Imperia is a super luxurious living with its own distinct character that redefines opulent lifestyle.The uniqueness of Imperia lies in use of sustainable technologies and the innovative planning principles leading to creation of a commercial hub.
The hub houses retails stores at two floors and also has a vast entertainment space consisting of three multiplex, (accommodating around 500 people), huge atriums for leisure activities and restaurants with aesthetic environment. An attractive outdoor environment ( a plaza or special streets) serves as a social space and can help stabilize existing businesses which can lead to a successful commercial building.
Above the retail space, the building has a chic boutique service apartments, a thoughtfully designed and well equipped space that redefines hospitality. The design is enhanced by the use of glass (appropriately selected for different use areas) that optimises glazing quantities and options to reduce glare, and solar gain in the apartment. The apartment also uses methods that make it eco friendly and energy efficient. This include optimum harnessing of natural light, efficient HVAC system, multiple shading devices that keep light in and heat out, waste recycle system, rainwater harvesting.
The overall design of Imperia can be identified and built on themes unique to their downtown areas (using natural, architectural and cultural assets) to establish an inviting market identity and an environment that adds delight to the shopping experience. The variations in the heights of building blocks makes the design pleasant and adds visual harmony throughout the structure. The structure is not only thoughtful in design but is also equally functional. These include,unhindered pedestrian and vehicle flow, designated drop offs, road surface to control speed of the vehicle, surface parking provision for visitors and guests,etc. The bridges, rams, elevators,and escalators encourages pedestrian-first environment and intersect between the landscape and the user.
Lastly, the Imperia’s architectural blueprint mimics the forces of nature to produce a structure , ideal to live in and relax from hectic life.